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Did you know you could help to save our natural world by swapping products in your kitchen cupboards?
Just swap one product to contain sustainable palm oil instead of unsustainable palm oil, and you will be making a difference.
Palm oil is a fatty vegetable oil produced by squeezing the fleshy fruit harvested from oil palm trees. Palm oil is harvested in Southeast Asia, mainly Indonesia and Malaysia, which produce over 85% of the world's palm oil.
At Blackpool Zoo, we are alarmed by the levels of deforestation impacting biodiversity and affecting our planet in many ways.
We are initially focussing on palm oil sustainability and are incredibly close to being completely palm oil sustainable across ALL our departments, from our catering department to animal feed. We are committed to using the zoo's resources to help educate the local businesses in our community and work closely with them to help them become palm oil sustainable as well.
We are supporting the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) which is the primary body for sustainable palm oil standards, and endorse the efforts they take to ensure that sustainable palm oil is the norm.
Sustainable palm oil shopping list
How do I know if my favourite products contain unsustainable Palm Oil?
There is an App! The Palm Oil Scan App, developed and led by palm oil experts from Chester Zoo in the UK, Auckland Zoo in New Zealand and Cheyenne Mountain Zoo in the USA, allows everybody to scan any product to see how the manufacturers are sourcing their palm oil.
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